Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Week 6 #experimenting with rotoscoping

going to push on with this one


Sokak Savaşa Karşı | Streets Against The War from sokak savasakarsi on Vimeo.

MAD 1 + N from Francesco Brunotti on Vimeo.

Week 6 #dead

showed Ed my chess video..he said it doesn't look that great, the line animation is too rough...

he liked the walking where i cut out the im going to change my idea now.

oh its only the last week...i'll be fine!

Week 5 #alienchess

thought about an alien and a human playing a game of chess..
then each time one person loses a peices they have to give up a peice of themselves
the alien would have to give up a peice of technology and the human would have to give up an organ.

filmed and rotoscoped my friends this week.

rough final chess video

Week 5 #museums

Pollocks Toy museum

Saachi Gallery

I quite like the idea of covering faces and using toys...hmm ideas...

Week 3/4 #aliens

been looking at a lot of alien type videos as the whole cyborg experiments are almost extra-terrestrial.

hello nerdy project.

Week 3/Week 4

Time management has literally been smashed into pieces.

Can't really show you my reflective journal, but it literally took up all my time.
seriously need to get a move on.

Week 2 #presentation

I used this for the mini presentation in week 3, combining all my ideas.

Week 2 #Broken Keyboard

took apart a keyboard because of the whole cyborg idea. Not sure when im going to use this...but im sure it will come in handy
After watching movies such as Terminator/Total Recall and Bicentennial Man, I decided to work on the idea of cyborg. I got some nails/computer pieces and attached them to Barbie dolls, after spray painting them, they looked almost alien like.

Sunday, 20 March 2011

this is AMAZING!!

I'm liking this whole idea of using bicycle wheels for animation.
Might use this kind of idea for my final piece, if not bicycle wheels then something circular.