Wednesday 30 March 2011

Week 6 #experimenting with rotoscoping

going to push on with this one


Sokak Savaşa Karşı | Streets Against The War from sokak savasakarsi on Vimeo.

MAD 1 + N from Francesco Brunotti on Vimeo.

Week 6 #dead

showed Ed my chess video..he said it doesn't look that great, the line animation is too rough...

he liked the walking where i cut out the im going to change my idea now.

oh its only the last week...i'll be fine!

Week 5 #alienchess

thought about an alien and a human playing a game of chess..
then each time one person loses a peices they have to give up a peice of themselves
the alien would have to give up a peice of technology and the human would have to give up an organ.

filmed and rotoscoped my friends this week.

rough final chess video

Week 5 #museums

Pollocks Toy museum

Saachi Gallery

I quite like the idea of covering faces and using toys...hmm ideas...

Week 3/4 #aliens

been looking at a lot of alien type videos as the whole cyborg experiments are almost extra-terrestrial.

hello nerdy project.